CASA Offices, Canberra The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), a vital government body ensuring aviation safety in Australia, recently undertook a significant office relocation to Marcus Clarke St in the heart of Canberra’s CBD. This move aimed not only to...
Hammond Studio Hammond Studio, nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Surry Hills, stands as a true testament to their passion for design and creativity. With a keen eye for detail and an emphasis on the quality of light, they have crafted an office space that...
Casa Del Sud At this stunning beachfront home in Kiama, designed and constructed by Boom Build, every detail has been carefully considered to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The lighting scheme in this home seamlessly blends style and functionality, with warm...
ELARA VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Elara Village Shopping Centre, located in Sydney’s northwest, is home to 18 new retail shops, including a Coles supermarket (open daily from 6 am to 10 pm) and Liquorland. Due to the extended opening hours, the exterior lighting was...
UNSW Art & Design Lecture Theatre The Paddington campus of the UNSW School of Art & Design is located in Sydney’s largest cluster of cultural and creative industry businesses and institutions. Museum-quality galleries and state-of-the-art workshops, open...